Art, Aims and Anticipation

April is a better month with new conventions. There’s plenty of prep work to do for the next cons. I’m sketching and working on new things.


I tabled at CODCon and Schaumburg Library Con. The first day was slow, but that’s expected. I chatted with my artist alley neighbors to pass the time and catch up on old ink drawings.

I got to chat with the neighbors and catch up on unfinished sketches to pass the time. I worked on a large sketch of Captain Dragonclaw and yet named Dog Emperor and his subordinates.

Sales picked up on the second day and I moved plenty of prints! My Goat Wizard ,Lute Cat, and Pied Piper Prints were my most popular prints at a Tabletop Gaming Con! Who would’ve thought? Along with that, I took Pencil and Pen commissions, and I made fast progress with them! I even sold my Joseph Joestar Marker Art Card, so if you wanted that, it’s gone for good!

The third day was slower than yesterday, but I don’t have any complaints! I’ve sold plenty that I know that I can readjust my prices to stop selling myself short!

Schaumburg Library Con happened but wasn’t as notable. Some friends from college manage to stop by, and we caught up with each other!

Later, I went to the building of my old college, Illinois Institute of Art Schaumburg for the first time in years. There isn’t even a parking lot. Just a patch of dirt. Rip in Pepperoni.

On May 5th, I’ll be at the Cinco de Mayo Art Show at McCarty Mills Taproom with a collection of my prints. Come share a taco with me and enjoy the art!

After that, I’ll be tabling Oak Lawn Public Library Fan Fest on Saturday, May 7, 2022

All this will is prep for my big boy convention: Anime Central! The event I’ve been waiting two years for is happening starting Friday, May 20th going to the 22nd! I’ll be taking commissions and selling my original comics!

I’m tabling at plenty of new conventions for this summer, so if I don’t mention any here, you can look at my Con Schedule!

If you aren’t in the Chicago area but still want to purchase from me! You can hit up my Etsy store! Most of the things I sell at conventions I sell there too, just with a wait time!

Blackmask Development Progress

Blackmask is still rolling forward. I’ve been sketching UI stuff before jumping to the pixeling. Making a readable and interesting User Interface is a new challenge for me, that’s for sure.

Adam’s fixed up most of the swimming movement on the programming side. Cole can now swim in deep water areas. Now he’s working on enemy AI for the stealth stuff. From what Adam told me, he has a good grasp on getting enemies in specific behavior states. Once the tough part of getting some enemies running around, reacting to Cole’s Actions finishes, he’ll shoot for some Boss work.

We need to meet up some more to discuss some details about where to publish the game. We’re scrapping up a website that’ll be a home base to download a playable demo. I’m also scouting out for spots to get people hands-on with the game such as gaming conventions, retro game shows, or tournaments. Plus I’m reading up on the tangential game publishing things that are needed like the requirements for publishing on Steam and Good Old Games and what other platforms would be good to publish on.


Some art I’ve posted over the month if you don’t follow me on Twitter, Instagram and everywhere else!

There are moments I feel like I’m stretching myself thin, and I need to manage my time better. But once the big con events finish up, I should be in a better spot. Until next time!