Art Doings

Here’s a new check-in blog post today! Things are mostly the same: drawing things for clients and dabbling in my video game, Blackmask with my pixel art streams.

I’m struggling with my direction to take the game assets without a straightforward gameplay loop that’s not full of wish fulfillment and feature creep. So, I’m stepping back from working on pixel art until I have a face to face meetup with my programmer and learn some more Unity.

It’s not to say I’ll stop working on Blackmask. I’ll just focus into developing the storyline and characters I keep sketching. Most of my writing never pushes beyond writing for an hour, rereading my writing, thinking “This shit sucks, isn’t funny, and no one would get it!” and scrapping it to start a new direction, only to continue this loop again.

While I’m pushing my comic, Pizza Man and Blackmask forward, I’m doing other art studies to sharpen my skills. There’s a website I use for practicing some of my digital painting called This Person Doesn’t Exist. This website uses an AI that scans billions of pictures online to create a portrait of a made up person. When you think about it a few ways, it’s both cool and creepy.

I wanted to do one 30 minute every day, but I’m not beating myself up over it. I don’t get complicated with my brushes. Just using a modified Frenden Concept Craig Brush to be faster with my block ins.

Weeks ago, I also did a digital study for a workshop by James Sisti at Hike and Draw! It was great, and I hope to stop by again!

Music finding has slowed down for me, as I haven’t taken enough moments to track down new bands. I’ve been recommended some metal with female lead vocalists by friends. One of my current favorites is Kalidia’s album, Lies Device.

My interest in metal is surface level, so I’ve associated Metal vocals with deep guttural growling. It’s a nice change of pace to hear Female vocalists in front of mighty metal riffs!

Things will continue on, and I’ll be drawing stuff as I always am. I’m doing my best, even if I don’t feel that way sometimes.