Art and Con Prep

It’s been a productive start to my new year. Despite nursing a head cold, I had for the first few weeks, I made plenty of art to prepare for the coming year!

On February 12th, I’ll be tabling at Northwest Indiana Comic-Con! It’s the first time in two years that I’ve tabled at a con!

Northwest Indian Comic-Con 2022 Announcement

The things you’ve seen on my Etsy Store, you can get them at the con! This comes with the added benefit of meeting me in person and having a chat!

Cole's Cup

If you don’t know what you want to buy from me or have everything I have to offer, from my comics to my stickers, I opened a Ko-fi page as a tip jar. You can drop a small tip to me and commend my efforts!

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Museum Visiting

As you know, I’m always working on something, whether it’s freelance art, livestreams, game development, comics and way too much! I want to literally draw everything because I’m a crazy workaholic who’s never comfortable with his output.

Since I needed a real break, I went to the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago to see their Chicago Comics Exhibit over the weekend. It’s the first time I’ve been downtown in a year, so this was a great outing for me.

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Printing Pizza Man

I’m pushing hard on getting The Pizza Man, the comic I completed for Journey June last year, ready to print! At the time of this printing and posting, I’ve sent out an order for a print proof! Once I smooth out any more printing and color kinks, the physical book will be ready to sell on my Etsy store by Mid-Fall!

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Slow Art Week

Things are going well for me, despite being a slow art week in general. I’m still rolling along with my commissions and art stuff and Blackmask is going forward.

Adam is at the point in his programming stuff where I don’t need to hand him any new assets to make a demo for. He recently got a new job to pay the bills so progress will slow down on Blackmask slightly.

My own art priorities have moved to more design things, so I’ve been doodling logo and user interface ideas. I’m not as confident in my logo and lettering as I want but I have a passing knowledge of logo design thanks to Blambot explaining what goes into good logo design.

Blackmask Logo Sketches

Of the sketches, I think I’m going with 4 or 5, preferring 5 the most out of them all for the more adventure fantasy theming I’m going for. From showing it around, people seem to be the most drawn to the last two sketches since they’re the clearest to read, though, I’m personally not a fan of the “Schoolhouse Rock” look of the last sketch.

Blackmask UI Sketch Idea

Soon, we’re setting up our Blackmask stuff to have its own social accounts to post news related to the game on. Now if you want more Blackmask news, you can follow on Twitter and Instagram and soon an actual website!

If you missed out on last Saturday’s stream at Virtual HPL FanFest 2020, you can watch the recording on YouTube! Thanks again to Hammond Public Library for hosting me!

Doing this presentation has me interested to make a full article about making zines, so expect that in the future. I also need to get the print version of The Pizza Man done because I let it slip away.

Finally, I finished my stock of the original monochrome copies of Incident at the Game Store from my Etsy Store. Now the colored version of Incident at the Game Store will be the only version sold for the foreseeable future.