Commissions, Writing and Working

The Indie Real Time Strategy game, Furs of Fury is out now! You might remember me making a large illustration of it a while ago! I’m currently plugging away on an article about the making of this painting, so stay tuned for that!

Furs of Fury Game Illustration

I’ve been taking art commissions for the past few weeks as I’m looser on time and I had bills to catch up on. I’ve been posting them on Twitter, Instagram and livestreaming my work on Twitch! If you’re interested in taking a commission, stop by my page for information and fill out a form!

I’ve been trying out Clip Studio Paint’s time-lapse Feature, and it’s been fantastic! If you have the file space to save these videos, it’s a great tool to show off to people to give fans an inside look at the laborious process of building art and illustrations!

And for those who have trouble loading GIFs can see the step-by-step process for any would be artists trying to learn from me!

In between that time, I’m writing a Blackmask comic while I’m on standby for game pixel art. There’s plenty of other things I need to figure out, like finding good places to market and publish a small profile indie game. I think I’m doing alright with the Twitter, Instagram and YouTube Page for Blackmask, but when development picks up momentum again, content should appear regularly.