Project Blackmask Update 2/24/2019

This is one of the many rough outlines and thumbnails of what the story of Blackmask might be and I have a lot of the first draft of my script finished, but there are finer details that I’m still trying to figure out as I’m still discovering my writing process.

I don’t consider myself much of a writer since the only comic I’ve actually written by myself is Shirley’s Day, so I’m doing my research, looking up tutorials, and reading books about writing and storytelling to figure out how on earth to pull together my unorganized ideas and sketches into a plot that’s coherent. I’m not even hoping to hook people, I just want to make sense! Scriptwriting is tough for me to write and plan, so I’m trying a process of writing and thumbnailing the art layouts in one session.

My webcomic is planned to be able to be posted on Instagram and Webtoons as that seems to be the biggest places anyone reads digital comics much to my dismay. Instagram specifically because I feel like it’s the only social media place I have so far that gives me any regular feedback and comments.  I can’t hate too much, I can possibly build this comic up as a sort of adventure comic strip like the Uncle Scrooge comics and Terry and the Pirates.

The overall plan though is to post pages on Patreon and my website first then the social platforms later.  I’m also pushing forward to have select WIP and comic related preliminary art be more exclusive to Patreon to encourage donations.