What I’ve Been Up To: Doing the Arting

I’m doing alright for the past few weeks as there isn’t much to report. I’m still plugging away at my ongoing freelance commissions and Blackmask.

Artwise, I wasn’t very productive. My day job is beginning to pick up again and I spent most of my week making a promotional video for my Youtube Channel.

On Saturday, October 24th, I’ll be doing the Hammond Public Library Virtual Fanfest doing a 9am livestream on YouTube about making mini comics.

HPLVFF 2020 Promo
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What I’ve Been Up To: Game and Art Progress

I’m okay but getting a burned out of my stuff. I’ve been slowly attempting to move away from my Twitter and Instagram, trying to keep my sanity with actual galleries sites like here. I’m doing my best to stream as frequently as I can on my Twitch Channel so follow me to catch me working on art stuff commissions!

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What I’ve Been Up To: Busy, Busy!

I’ve been drawing small stuff to pay my bills, fill my portfolio, and staying busy. Despite, constantly feeling like I’m behind on everything I’m getting the things expected of me done.

Progress is being made working on the Illustrations on Flawless Extra-Ordinary Superheroes, knocking out a larger illustration and pushing forward to the next few ones.

Flawless Extra-Ordinary Super HeroesS.T.E.A.M. Intro
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Chuggin Along

Pardon all of the sudden changes to my website if you’ve been following me on here. I’m never satisfied with a theme because many of them have little quirks and oversights that I never account for like being incompatible for mobile, or not displaying my comics correctly.

In general things aren’t as eventful due to the virus situation, but I’m doing my best to stay busy and to be positive. Right now, I’m working on a set of stickers inspired by this bread cat art I made a long while ago. A few more cats and I’ll have a worthwhile sticker pack.

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Project Blackmask Update 2/24/2019

I’m still writing Blackmask slowly and steadily when I have time, but I’ve been tackling some new freelance artwork and commission stuff. I’m still trying to fund printing for Incident at The Game Store in color but some car problems have come up, so money’s lacking.