Claudia the Cat Witch Illustration

Claudia Brakenwick is a wicked broom rider, always ready for nights of magic and mischief!

Dodging her boring chores with her Nana, Claudia flies around town with her friends, causing trouble wherever she can get away with it!

I drew this illustration of Claudia in Procreate for super early Halloween! Around July, I started doodling this character, but it was a struggle to finish this drawing for myself.

Despite not being happy about how long it took for me to complete this illustration. Yet, I pushed through my awkward stages as I experimented with the True Grit Brushes in Procreate.

Claudia first started as an idea for a Blackmask enemy. I wanted concepts of a “generic” cat witch. Like a character class of sorts. The idea of her “broom boarding” was a funny idea that added interest to the witch on a broom look. It gives off that “radical 90’s” personality to her with enough cheesiness to make me laugh!

Should have kept the brown? I could change later it if I want. I like this design too much to leave her as an enemy, to the point that I actually thought up a name for her, which is a rarity!

I have large prints and stickers of her on my Etsy store right now, so if you’re interested, come on by and get a sticker yourself!