I’m proactive with my new year stuff since the middle December because waiting for New Years to start making real change isn’t necessary! My video game, Blackmask is making baby steps getting new backgrounds and assets drawn. You can check out my monthly report on the Blackmask Website! Beyond that, I’ve been busy building up my new year!

NWI Comic Con 2023

My convention season is starting for me once again! On February 11th, I’ll be tabling once more at Northwest Indiana Comic-Con 2023! I’ll be at table D-22 at the east wing near the tacos!

My hope is that I take on more commissions from people and get through my catalogs of my books! If you can’t make it to Indiana, The Pizza Man and my other comics will for sale online on my Etsy Store! I’ll be hanging out with other artist friends and Indiana fans, so come by and say hi!

Portable Drawing Tutorial

I started the year started by writing a new article on teaching people how to draw every day. This was originally a tweet thread, but it’s a better idea to make a blog to get more elaborate on the details.

Simple Art Practice on the Go

This article only covers getting started with using small sketchbooks, but I’ll have a thorough review of small sketchbooks down the line.

Learning New Software

I’m slowly figuring out how the brush curve settings work in the Artflow App on my phone. It’s nice to be in a “no pressure” mindset with many of these drawings.

I’ve gotten plenty out of using the rectangle brush, that I’ll try to make a similar one in my other art programs. It’s still quite cramped on my phone, but I’m getting more comfortable belting out thumbnail sketches.

Sometimes I grip the pencil in my pocket, and I’m jonesing to doodle on paper like a coke fiend. But I made a commitment to spend at least another month practicing digital drawing on my phone.

Music I’m Listening To

I’ll leave off with what I’ve been listening too lately. I found BLKHRTS while I was looking up bands like Death Grips and Clown Core. BLKHRTS music would fit right into a Tony Hawk Underground soundtrack, so it’s high praise from me.

I’m prepping for new stuff like conventions and taking commissions, so my business is ramping up! February should be exciting, so stick around for more!