Big Birthday Weekend

As of writing this, I’m now 31 years old and introspective about my art journey so far! I continue to tackle new conventions as I keep my head on a swivel! I’ve been sketching small bits of art on my social sites over the month, but I’ve kept myself busy going to cons, taking other art commissions and recording livestreams!

I’ll be honest and say that we haven’t made that much progress on Blackmask from last January to now. My programmer took time off for a vacation, so he’s been away from his computer. I myself have been taking other art commissions and streams, but we’ll be in touch with majors changes as soon as possible. I’ve been sketching small bits of art on my social sites over the month, I’ve been sloppy about posting my art here in a way that is an easy to find.

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I’m proactive with my new year stuff since the middle December because waiting for New Years to start making real change isn’t necessary! My video game, Blackmask is making baby steps getting new backgrounds and assets drawn. You can check out my monthly report on the Blackmask Website! Beyond that, I’ve been busy building up my new year!

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