Ideas for Shirley’s Day Sequel

I’ve been doing some job training for the past few months and it eats up my time, in my breaks though, I’m thinking of ideas about what I could do for a sequel to Shirley’s Day.

Ideas that I want to explore are: the consequences of Shirley stoning an entire school, if Shirley’s parents knew about her powers manifesting. How Shirley’s monster family lives in a normal society and anything else I can think of or what people suggest.

A while ago I made a rough concept idea of Shirley’s Father for a potential sequel for Shirley’s Day. I wanted to continue the snake theming and wacky “Pokemon logic” of that family, so I based Shirley’s father off of the Greek King Cecrops.

This is some old art of Shirley’s Mom that I don’t think made it into the print comic. I based her of my original sketchbook drawing of my Hipster Medusa art I draw a long while ago.

I’m still brainstorming some stuff, so nothings set in stone, but I do like the older look for Shirley. I’ll let you know when I have a rough story together.