Into the Winter Grind

One month left in 2022! Time has flown fast for me! I’ve been trying to stuff as many of my art projects into the month as I can while keeping my sanity!

New Website

The first big thing I can say in November is that there’s now a new website for Blackmask and news of its development! This is a large task that’s been taking up my time. Even if I’m getting things down on this website, there’s still much to learn about self-promotion.

Blackmask Website Debut

I will say to join the Blackmask Mailing List! It’s a direct way to get news of our progress without missing any of my posts due to algorithms. Now that the website is set up, it’ll be less confusing for anyone who’s been following my website and getting unrelated news.

Bird Knight Tutorial

I’m playing catch-up to art tutorials that I wanted to write. I still need to finish my backlog of tutorial blogs, after that I’m slowing down on them. I feel that I need to get more familiar with my own workflow before teaching more.

For now, my Bird Tutorial in a finished state! I even named him Sir Peer Keely, knight of the Kingdom of Seraplume! I often draw characters with no name or plot, so I forced myself to have something written down.

My Tools List of 2022

As the year wraps up, I thought I’d share some of the tools that I’ve been using often to work on my projects! It’s not easy figuring out the big tools that affected my workflow. I keep changing up my tools to fit my current life situation. This is a good list that I can recommend if you’re having trouble learning how to make art.

Life Stuff

Besides web maintenance and pushing pixels. I’ve been doing small things. Keeping my head on a swivel, I’m filling my calendars for next year’s round of cons. An upcoming convention is the Northwest Indiana Comic-Con. Check out my Convention Schedule to see my future conventions!

Misc Art

Digging up old artwork. I had an old idea of a prison of kidnapped princesses. They live like typical prison fiction. Think “Orange is the new Black” but they wear dresses more often.

Princess Prison Marker Draw

I haven’t written or drawn anything beyond this, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get back to this, either. The topic seems dark, but I picture it being slightly lighter, like a fantasy version of “The Great Escape”. But I could explore the darker aspects of prison life.

Princess Stealth Sketches

But more likely than not, it was an excuse to draw a variety of girls.

And some more scanned sketch art