Making Changes

I’ve recently had an interview with Will Humphrey on his podcast Will Vs. You Talk Too Much! It’s a great time, and nice to touch back with my old friend from college!

You can listen here!

I’ve been making changes to my website when I have the time. Been video editing, drawing, and some other things in life.

As usual, I’ve been adding more artwork to the Sketch Art section of the site and fiddling with functions to make it smoother to navigate. Some links might be broken and others might be redirected, so sorry in advance for any problems.

My art streaming stuff has fallen off the wagon again, but I edited some clips for my YouTube Channel. Editing has been going faster for me, but I still don’t like video editing. I have no clue what to keep with these streams because they’re just art streams.

Lately, I’ve been having second thoughts about continuing to stream, since I keep slipping my schedule. I also have to get my head ready to be able to draw while talking. I could just drop my Twitch Affiliate status and just go back to multi streaming on YouTube and Picarto like I did when I first started streaming. It wasn’t much, and it was a tech nightmare, but honestly, exclusively streaming on Twitch won’t make a huge difference.

Learning to complete writing for Blackmask’s story is a challenge, but I’m persisting when I can. I write blurbs or thumbnail sketches in my Sketch Wallet between jobs. I still have trouble merging into the writing process, worried about coming off incompetent, despite publishing three comics.

I also pour through screenwriting books to find out if I’m even doing anything right. I’m not as productive as I’d like to be. I’m also selective about what I post publicly because I don’t want to spoiler or make any promises in the game that Adam and I can’t keep.

Besides working on Blackmask, I’m also working on bringing back my Comic Process Tutorials that I made in my old website. I documented my process making Incident at the Game Store and I wanted to have it out for anyone to reference. I’m editing the writing to make things read smoother, and add a retrospective section.